Sunday, September 4, 2011

Website Broker Corp Celebrates First Year in Business

Brokercorp has just celebrated it's first birthday. In response to the event the company is providing a free valuation and appraisal from one of their expert brokers.

Established in September 2010 Brokercorp started the month with two exciting new businesses for sale. A 5 year old ecommerce store and a 3 year lead generation site. Other notable achievements is the first listing of a business over $500,000.

With the growth of web and online business it is logical that a website owner might one day look to sell their website. Traditionally, a business broker normally sells a business. However, the rise of the web has demanded a more specialized skill in determining the value, preparing, marketing and selling of websites.

Jock Purtle, of Broker Corp, has this to say about the web investment market, "We are seeing strong demand for good quality web business. The relationship we see between web assets and traditional real estate is very similar. The automated systems of a website and low reliance on staff make it a good investment." He also commented, "Traditionally it may take anywhere from 3-12 months to sell a business from start to finish. We are seeing some sites sell within a week and the buyer has received ownership after 3 weeks which is very fast."

Websites that have the above traits are prime for sale in the open market. Brokercorp believes that the industry is only going to get larger as more players move into the market to buy and more businesses start to grow and develop on the internet.

There advice for buyers is get in now while the going is fresh. There are some bargains to be had in the market place. There advice to sellers is to make sure that if they decide to sell that the sites growth trend is upwards and that sellers have their financial records in order before sell.


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