Saturday, September 24, 2011

Emerson Network Power Releases Article on Data Center Design

Emerson Network Power has recently released an article entitled, "Seven Best Practices for Increasing Efficiency, Availability and Capacity: The Enterprise Data Center Design Guide." The piece is based on the results of their in depth study on energy logic. Energy logic refers to the strategic approach on how to take advantage of the cascading effect of efficiency in data center energy consumption.

Within the article, Emerson Network Power lists seven critical factors in data center design and maintaining an efficient and high performing data center infrastructure.

* Optimizing airflow and cooling capacity in accordance with IT loads
* Choosing the best power source system
* Flexibility in design
* Reducing energy consumption through smart design
* Improving infrastructure management
* Maximizing cooling unit return temperatures
* Utilizing service expertise and local design

These seven practices are explained in detail with methods and supporting evidence to prove their effectiveness. It is safe to say that any data center technician or enthusiast should look into these concepts and techniques in order to keep up with the industry leaders.


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