Thursday, September 22, 2011

Adobe Air 3 & Flash Player 11 Bring Big Video Updates

The new features in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3

Dozens of new features in Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 allows developers to offer a new class of games and premium video experience and sophisticated data-driven applications with back-end systems integration to across devices, including iPhone and iPad via AIR. Extensions native air add support for unique features of the device and libraries of native code, allowing developers to choose the right mix of Flash, HTML5 and native code to create powerful user experiences on PCs and peripherals.

Flash Player 11 and AIR 3 is publicly available in early October. Flash and Flex Builder, Adobe open-source framework for building mobile, web and desktop applications, providing support for new functionality in a future release before the end of the year.

The video features the largest that will really be cool, as far as I'm concerned, are:

* The HD video quality on all platforms: Full frame rate HD video can now be displayed in AIR applications from Apple devices using IOS H.264 hardware decoding. Rich on TV programs are also capable of providing HD video with 7.1 surround sound.

* Hire and Support Subscriptions: With the support of Adobe Flash Adobe Access and neck, content publishers can take advantage of rental options and subscription models for television content more flexible and offers more than 80 per everywhere percent of U.S. television subscribers pay.

Compatibility: 64-bit support on Linux, Mac OS and Windows offers an integrated experience in more than 64-bit browsers.

* Content Protection: The video content can now be protected using Adobe Flash Access 3 on all platforms, including support for mobile platforms.

And all the ties that Adobe Media Server 4.5 update, I recently covered as well.

Here’s a video from Adobe Evangelist, Andrew Trice, on some of the features of Flash Player 11 and AIR 3:


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