Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Global boom in data center investment

Emerging markets lead growth as investment plans reveal ongoing surge in new builds, retro-fits and outsourcing.

The global data center market will grow by over 16% to $35bn in the next 12 months found a DatacenterDynamics survey of investment plans of over 5,000 major data center owners and operators.

Growth will include the construction of new facilities, the extension and upgrade of existing facilities, and the increased use of outsourced data center services.

The Market Growth report shows that in pure financial terms, data center investment will be highest during 2012 in the Western United States ($3.5bn), closely followed by the UK ($3.35bn) and China ($3.1bn). In terms of percentage growth in data center investment, South East Asia significantly outstrips other ranked geographies at 118%.

When markets are analysed and ranked by at percentage growth in number of data centers, Turkey (60%), Brazil (45%) and Columbia (40%) exhibit the most dynamic growth characteristics, although starting from a low installed base number.
The top 17 geographies surveyed, which incorporates both developed and less developed data center economies, exhibit double-digit growth.

Extracts from the forthcoming DatacenterDynamics Industry Census 2011 are available for free download (see below), the Market Growth report describes a landscape which is hallmarked by substantial levels of growth.

DatacenterDynamics Research director, Nick Parfitt said, “Even in developed markets, the expansion of IT and internet use in business, government and socially has created a perfect storm for more servers and storage, and more data centers to power, cool and house them. The perception is without question that data centers are the best way of ensuring the availability and reliability of IT services and the machines to deliver them.”

The most important benefit of the Census information is that it enables the forward tracking of markets from where they are now to where they will go in the future. Based on the DCDi (DatcenterDynamics Development Index) which maps data center markets according to their state of development it is possible to see how markets take shape through a mass of unpredictable economic, legislative, technological and adoption factors. While the baseline figures from the Census are impressive and indicate an industry that is growing almost without exception, understanding the drivers for growth and the reasons particular strategies are being adopted are what will offer value to readers and users of this information, Parfitt said.

The DatacenterDynamics Industry Census 2011 was conducted during June and July. A total of 5,400 completed surveys provided an in-depth analysis of data center operators and users who have under their control almost 100,000 data centers, accommodating 7.7 million equipment racks and consuming 31GW of energy.

The DatacenterDynamics Industry Census 2011 is the most extensive and the most comprehensive independent research into the critical facilities which are the essential resources for future economic prospects.


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