Saturday, September 24, 2011

Is Steve Jobs on his way to death bed?

Apple founder and CEO Steve Jobs has terminal pancreatic cancer and may live for just six more weeks.

The 55-year-old Jobs in January announced that at his request, the board of directors granted him a medical leave of absence so that he could focus on his health.

However, a US tabloid snapped photos of him, which suggest things may be worse for Jobs. The report said Jobs is stricken with pancreatic cancer and may have just six weeks to live.

The new photos show him looking painfully frail and weak, with his jeans and dark top hanging loosely on his six-feet-two-inches, frail body.

Gabe Mirkin, a physician with 40 years' experience, said, "He is terminal. What you are seeing is extreme muscle wasting from calorie deprivation, most likely caused by cancer.

He has no muscle left in his buttocks, which is the last place to go." The Apple CEO, has battled a rare form of pancreatic cancer for seven years had a liver transplant in 2009.
Obama meeting
President Barack Obama met ailing Apple chief Steve Jobs and other US high-tech gurus yesterday. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg also participated in the closed door meeting.


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