Wednesday, September 7, 2011

PR Census shows men earn more than their female counterparts

PRWeek and the PRCA have produced comprehensive data on the salaries of PR professionals, with the results suggesting male PR professionals earn significantly more than women.

The data reveals a UK PR professional is paid £48,247pa, nearly twice the average salary for the UK workforce as a whole. In 2010, the average salary for those in 'all service industries' was £25,855.

According to the PR Census figures, the average salary for a man was £62,932, whereas the average salary for a woman was £39,987.

The trend is reflected UK-wide – ONS data shows that in 2010, men in 'all service industries' took home on average £33,539, while women earned £19,673.

For PR, the pay discrepancy could not be explained with the argument that men occupy more senior roles in the industry. The Census figures show that men out-earn their female counterparts at all levels, from account executive/press officer through to director or head of comms.


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