Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama faces "Titanic struggle"

President Barack Obama’s arch domestic confidant on Tuesday conceded that a dark cloud looms over the American economy and Obama’s domestic future, maturation the president’s highway to a second tenure in the White House as “a Titanic struggle.”

“We have the breeze in our face because the American people have the breeze in their faces,” David Axelrod told an assembly of New Hampshire politicians and business leaders. “So this is going to be a Titanic struggle. But we resolutely trust we’re on the right side of the struggle.”

But even as he concurred the sheer domestic reality, Axelrod said the boss would eventually win re-election, in part because of the injured margin of Republican candidates. He characterized their skeleton to correct the nation’s bum economy as the same kind of deregulation and taxation cuts that caused the downturn in the initial place.

“This isn’t new booze and ancient bottles. This is ancient booze and ancient bottles,” Axelrod said.

He also assailed Republican contenders, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Texas Gov. Rick Perry, in an talk with The Linked Press.

Axelrod took emanate with Romney’s avowal that he’s among the possibilities with the least domestic confront in the Republican field. Romney hold just one full tenure as administrator but has run for aloft bureau 4 times since 1994.

“I don’t know how you conclude a competent politician, but using for bureau off and on for dual decades seems to qualify,” Axelrod said.

He also went after Perry.

“He binds adult Texas as a model,” Axelrod said. “You demeanour at Texas and they have among the lowest salary in the country, the top rate of uninsured people, some of the worst slight in their schools.”

“I reckon most Americans will demeanour at that and say, `Why would we wish to obey that?” Axelrod added.

Obama’s debate has said that the 2012 choosing will be a “choice, not a referendum” on Obama, making transparent they intend to pull pointy contrasts with whomever Republicans commission subsequent year. Democrats have begun lifting questions about Romney and Perry’s annals both in and out of government, anticipating to make the box that Obama would be best positioned to revive a center category that has been smashed by the mercantile downturn.


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