Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Power and information line filter protects apparatus from transients

EMERSON Network Power’s ONEAC AC energy business has launched the SLIMtec energy filter, expanding into the digital signage market.

Digital signage is theme the hazard of transients caused by electrical line sound that can degrade, interrupt and even ruin its supportive electronic components.

As integrated circuit densities and microprocessor clocking speeds boost while concurrently handling voltage levels decrease, digital apparatus continues to turn some-more supportive to transients on energy lines.

The ONEAC SLIMtec five-amp energy filter aims to guarantee the trustworthiness of digital signage equipment. It reduces IEEE C62.41 Category A pulses in both normal and common modes to reduction than 20V.

According to Emerson Network Power, the section combines the advantages of filter apparatus and swell termination to yield an additional turn of guarantee over a unreasoning TVSS alone. It offers both energy and information line safeguard.

The filter is really compress and wall-mountable, and fits behind skinny show screens. It can also yield guarantee to kiosks, video monitors and projectors, gaming machines, computers, point-of-sale equipment, and tiny printers.


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