Friday, September 30, 2011

Windows 8 might turn off longtime users

“Windows 8 may turn off some longtime Windows users,” Kim Komando reports for USA Today.

“Let’s start with software compatibility. I mentioned that your old programs will still work. That’s true; the programs will still work on Intel and AMD processors,” Komando reports. “But ARM processors operate in a completely different architecture. Existing programs won’t run on ARM without extensive modification. Developers using older software could be out of luck or forced to upgrade.”

“The Metro interface doesn’t currently have good multitasking support. Sure, you can have multiple apps open. But finding a specific one will require scrolling through all open programs to locate it,” Komando reports. “While the Metro interface works very well on tablets, it’s not so hot on a computer. Microsoft designed it for touch input. So, by default, it isn’t as efficient for keyboard and mouse use.”

“You can switch to the Desktop interface, but you won’t find it to be exactly like Windows 7,” Komando reports. “The Start Menu, a Windows sacred cow from day one, is virtually useless. It only serves to switch you back to the Metro interface. Some users will find having two interfaces confusing. And there will be two versions of Internet Explorer 10 installed. The Metro version won’t support Adobe Flash, but the Desktop version will. That’s one more opportunity for frustration.”


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