Sunday, September 4, 2011

What Katherine Brooks Has Accomplished Could Only Happen Face 2 Face

Katherine Brooks, an award-winning reality TV filmmaker (The Osbournes, The Real World, A Simple Life) is nearing the filming completion of her latest reality endeavor, Face 2 Face. Face 2 Face is a full featured film where Brooks is travelling cross country meeting a random 50 of her Facebook friends. Four months ago, Brooks felt her most alone even though she had 5000 Facebook fans and friends. Moreover, she felt so alone that she attempted suicide. After that attempt, Brooks began disputing the level of connection that social media portends to provide to individuals. She decided that she want to meet some of the people that were her virtual friends.

Though interest in reality television is growing rapidly, as a reality filmmaker, Brooks has grown skeptical of the level of authenticity portrayed. She decided that she wanted to film a documentary with integrity of her meeting her virtual friends. So with a couple cameras and one camera person, she set out to meet these strangers, travelling over 11000 miles and 85 nights in 50 cities to accomplish this effort.

She needed funding to make this dream a reality. She created a Kickstarter campaign to fund the initial filming of the project. At this writing, she has over 750 hours of amazing footage capturing the United States magnificent countryside and the unique lives of her friends. Brooks has created another Kickstarter campaign to support the finishing production efforts including loggers, editors, publicist, graphic designers, and more. Should funding be accomplished, this indie film is scheduled to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2012.


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