Sunday, September 4, 2011

An E-Book on the Angst of Midlife by Dr. Fred Shane

Dr. Shane has launched his e-book–Keeping Your Cool Thru Your Midlife Meltdown. The book examines the angst of middle age based on many years of clinical experience. It explores the contemporary struggles we all face in this phase of our lives.
You have heard of Dr. Phil and Dr. Drew. Meet the new Doc on the block. Dr. Fred Shane, a veteran of the psychiatric wars has appeared on major shows such as Maury Povich, the former Oprah Oxygen Channel and co-hosted a television program related to midlife on CBC television. This August Shane is launching his debut book –Keeping Your Cool Thru Your Midlife Meltdown. Shane’s book examines the angst of middle age based on many years of clinical experience. Dr. Shane has mentored generations of future doctors. His message to them has been, “listen to your patient’s voices and listen to their journeys. 
These are the clues one needs to be an effective therapist. Keeping Your Cool Thru Your Midlife Meltdown explores the contemporary struggles we all potentially face in this phase of our lives. Shane’s optics examine in an empathic manner such issues as cybersex, drugs, sexual dysfunction, gender identity, plastic surgery, battered women and a myriad of compelling themes. Shane’s psychiatric testimony was critical in terms of helping the courts understand that battered women who become violent may do so in an act of self defense. Shane has history of being a marathon runner and has guided a Canadian blind runner in the Seoul Paralympics in 1988. He was featured in the documentary A Plate of Beef Stew which followed Shane’s training for the Boston Marathon.

Keeping Your Cool was illustrated by Chris Chuckry, a talented artist, who worked on Marvel Comic issue featuring President Barack Obama and Spiderman. The book has glowing testimonials from such individuals as Marci Shimoff, a New York Times best selling author and Robin Sharma, author of the number one international bestseller, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

Dr. Shane’s e-book may be downloaded at
To book an interview please contact Moe Amin Moghadasian at


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