Monday, September 5, 2011

DataStoreDSX delivers cost effective end-to-end enterprise content and compliance control and helps organisations to retain control in the face of relentless growth of content

Hitec, a leading provider of enterprise content, risk and compliance management solutions, has today launched DataStoreDSX enterprise content management platform. It is highly scalable and easy for users to learn, with a flexible modular licensing model enabling close and cost-effective alignment to each customer’s specific needs. DataStoreDSX can index and manage content from any source and delivers powerful and fully configurable search capabilities at the user’s desktop, and flexible integration with other enterprise systems enables consolidated reporting and aids compliance.

DataStoreDSX represents the next stage of evolution of Hitec’s DataStore document management products which have been relied upon for more than 20 years by hundreds of customers in over 30 countries and across many industry sectors. It is the 4th generation of a product which has been continually developed in response to customers’ evolving needs. Enhanced functionality ensures that DataStoreDSX meets today’s growing content challenges.

DataStoreDSX helps organisations capture, preserve, store, process, re-use and deliver content across the organisation regardless of whether its source is a scanned document, a spreadsheet, word document, a print stream or email. It incorporates the full functionality of a traditional document management solution, overlaid with advanced tools to index, search and deliver enterprise content. DataStoreDSX also unlocks the potential for automation of business process management and workflow models, electronic document delivery to customers, and much more.

DataStoreDSX deatures include:

• Modular format comprising document management and output management enables companies to implement enterprise wide solutions, or point solutions to address specific requirements.

• Scalable for use as a departmental, enterprise-wide or global solution

• Familiar user interface shortens the learning curve for users and speeds time to value

• Configurable Search window can present users with the combination of content required for the task - from delivery notes, to passport images, to an MRI scan – and provides users with the ability to personalise desktop for favourite or regular content tasks and set up personalised search profiles

• Powerful Multi-level Indexing and search and text mining tools to not only create a single repository but ensure that information searches return highly relevant results

• Sophisticated Document Imaging. Index and manage content from any source including document scanning and capture via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of text document, human-marked data on forms via Optical Mark Recognition (OMR), handwriting via Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) or barcodes

• Report Mining. Integrate and index computer-generated outputs from other enterprise systems for report mining, consolidated reporting, compliance or e-presentment

• Powerful ‘crawler’ provides Full Text Search capabilities for deep searching of entire content repositories, or sections specified using particular parameters

• Published APIs enable full and straightforward integration with Microsoft SharePoint and other ECM and DM solutions, common enterprise repositories and storage management systems as well as complete MS Office integration and archiving

• Integration with Microsoft Active Directory enhances security of information through automated user management and single sign-on capabilities for user authentication

• Automated Information Lifecycle Management to enable the management of information according to data retention policies and on-time compliance with disposal regulations

• Can be fully installed on-premise or available off-premise as a hosted service

The solution and its supporting licensing model have been designed to be modular and so can be implemented in a tailored way that suits the organisation - as a total ECM solution or as a clear upgrade path to ECM for current users of DataStore document management.

Commenting on the launch Jeremy Crame, Hitec CEO said “We have spent over twenty years listening to our customers and responding as new pain points emerged. Today the overwhelming demand is to help them manage the risks associated with uncontrolled information, and to help them drive efficiencies and optimise business performance. Compliance with regulations and the demands of corporate governance as a whole mean that unmanaged corporate content is becoming a risk they cannot afford, and there is a growing recognition that organisational information is central to disaster recovery planning too.”

Organisations face increasing volume and complexity of information to manage, and the challenge of dealing with the unstructured variety is increasing. Unlike structured data which can be managed in an orderly way, unstructured data has no boundaries. It spans the infinitely variable information contained within documents from different applications, web pages, spreadsheets, emails, print and multimedia files and beyond. It is becoming more expensive and harder to manage for businesses, harder to search and utilise for staff, taking more and more time and directly impacting efficiency.

Organisations must not only manage this, but also manage the increasing cost and constraints of that content which is not yet in electronic format. To release the power of the information held in hard copy through image capture has been a core component of Document Management. However, to gain true end to end control over this content requires more than traditional DM systems can offer. End to end ECM is the next step.


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