Sunday, September 4, 2011

Nuqul Automotive collaborates with Zikra Initiative to support "Green Wire Cars competition"

Nuqul Automotive collaborates with Zikra Initiative to support "Green Wire Cars competition"

Nuqul Automotive the sole dealer for Porsche, Audi, Volkswagen and Skoda recently announced its support to the “Green Wire Cars competition”

in South Ghor in collaboration with Zikra initiative.

The “Green  wire  Cars” competition will bring to light the talent of Ghor Al-Mazra’a children in crafting cars from recycled materials such as wires and cans ; Artists and designers from Amman will join teams of children from Ghor Al-Mazra’a to discover and learn how to create wire cars; later the teams of artists along with the children will design , assemble and emboss a wire car and compete for the best wire car – retro toy .

Mr. Michael Abedrabbo deputy CEO at Nuqul Automotive said: “we at Nuqul Automotive strongly believe in encouraging the creativity and unlimited potential of young talents, our partnership with Zikra represents an ideal initiative which offers the chance for less privileged community members to capitalize on their innovative thinking turning it into reality.”

Mr. Rabee’ Zureikat Founder of Zikra Initiative stated:” With this project we aim at highlighting the creativity and resourcefulness of the children of Ghor Al-Mazra’a and how they articulate environmental attentiveness through conservation, reusing and recycling.

By merging urban artists with rural children from Ghor Al-Mazra’a the competition will breathe life into traditional retro-toys throughout sharing and exchanging of skills and resources”
“This is a very exciting partnership for Zikra initiative and we are extremely grateful for Nuqul Automotive’s generous contribution” Mr. Zureikat added


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