Saturday, October 1, 2011

Myths & Facts About Nuclear Energy

Nuclear power is the new-age energy generation innovation to address the ever increasing electricity needs of the world. It is the most cleaner and cost effective mode of electricity generation which is produced in the hi-tech nuclear power plants under the strict surveillance. Numerous countries across the world, like China, South Korea, India and Russia, are reaping the benefits of nuclear power generation and many others like Germany and Switzerland are joining the group soon.

So, what is nuclear energy? Nuclear energy is the energy that is produced using a controlled nuclear reaction with mining and processing of uranium and other radioactive materials. The reason why nuclear energy? has so many countries taking up is in the fact that it is a clean form of energy, since it does not result in an emission of toxic gases, affordable and is a renewable source of energy.

Role of nuclear energy for society ,as a whole, is immense as it contribution is not limited to just energy generation. Nuclear energy is also used in the treatment of cancer – radiotherapy. It is also used to increase agricultural production, improve food availability and quality, reduce production costs and minimize pollution of food crop. In addition, nuclear energy is used for marine propulsion, powering real submarine with largest icebreakers.

Nuclear waste produced while generation of the energy is tackled carefully and doesn't cause any hazard to health of human beings. Thousands of such shipments are sent transported across the world and none of them has created any trouble.

What is Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is the energy that is produced using a controlled nuclear reaction. Many countries use nuclear energy to generate electricity for civilian and military use as well as in submarines to desalinate seawater and to generate heating systems. Nuclear fact is that the energy is created in nuclear energy plants, which are specifically designed to withstand the nuclear fission process. Some people advocate an expansion of nuclear energy plants, because this form of energy is considered cleaner than fossil fuels like coal.

Nuclear energy generation process starts with mining and processing of uranium and other radioactive materials. These materials are used to fuel the nuclear reactor, which produces a reaction known as fission that creates intense heat, turning water into steam. This steam energys steam turbines that generate electricity and feed electricity into the electrical grid. When nuclear energy is used to energy submarines, the reactor runs the engines, with the steam directly energying the engines. In both cases, the reactor requires careful control and supervision, since the runaway nuclear reactions must be stopped as soon as possible to avoid serious problems.

Many nuclear energy plants have extensive automated systems that help to identify potential problem areas, and these systems can also re-route the energy, shut down parts of the plant, as well as perform other tasks that make the plant safer and cleaner. While generating nuclear energy none no amount of green house gases are emitted and hence, it hardly contributes to global warming. Further, its advantages for the society as a whole are many.

Why Nuclear Energy

A clean form of energy

Nuclear power is a clean form of energy, since it does not result in an emission of toxic gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide or sulfur dioxide, which is why it is also called as green energy. Nowadays, where air pollution is one of our main concerns, an option like this is certainly preferable over the combustion of fossil fuels which causes much more pollution.

Limited amount of waste generated

According to nuclear scientists, Compared to fossil fuel waste, nuclear waste that occurs due to the production of nuclear energy is not only to a lesser extent, but also limited in order not to affect someone in his entourage. It has been proven that if a family of four uses nuclear energy for all its needs, the waste generated during a lifetime would be as small as a golf ball.

Nuclear waste is easier to manage

Nuclear waste that results during the generation of nuclear power is much easier to manage, because it is just dumped in geological position, where it decays over a period of time and not has a negative impact on the ecosystem. This proves to be one of the main advantages of nuclear power compared to the chemical waste, such as arsenic or mercury, that refuses to dissipate, or toxic gases that cause global warming, acid rain and smog.

Reliable source of energy

A major benefit of nuclear energy is that it is a very reliable source of energy, because most nuclear reactors have a lifespan of 40 years, which can easily be extended again for 20 years.

Easy availability

The availability of nuclear power is competitive with other energy sources such as oil and gas, as the cost of nuclear fuel is a small part of the overall reaction, so even if there is a slight fluctuation in the market the reaction should not be affected.

The source of nuclear energy is uranium and is available in abundance in the Earth's crust with large deposits being discovered in Canada and Australia. Therefore, since the source of nuclear energy is available now and for centuries to come, this form of energy is virtually inexhaustible.

No fear of radiation

The greatest fear associated with nuclear energy is the fear of radiation, which could be overcome by educating people about radiation and its behavior. People would be surprised to know that the radiation was part of our environment, since its existence, and that the radiation in moderate amounts can even be beneficial to our health. With this nuclear fact in mind, the radiation need not feared from, but can be channeled appropriately to serve humanity in a positive way.

Role of Nuclear Energy in Society

Nuclear energy is quickly becoming the preferred for its clean and cost effectiveness. Over the decades nuclear energy has gained momentum for its wide range of utilities that has made life of humans so simple. Reason why nuclear energy is achieving acceptance and many countries are joining is a clear indicator that its benefits are immense. Meeting world's needs of 21st century, which are dynamic and changing with each passing moment, is almost impossible without continuous energy supply.

Hence, quickest, safest and affordable mode of power generation becomes a necessity which is addressed by nuclear power. It plays a pivotal role in leveraging needs of the society. Several decades of industrial practice with commercial nuclear power plants, fuel cycle facilities are providing today the base for deriving and executing the advanced systems responding to the requirements of the 21st century. Evolutionary nuclear power plants that are under construction in many countries integrate important, enhanced safety features and developments leading to higher accessibility factors, reduced waste streams and lower uranium consumption, and decreased costs.

Simultaneously, addressing the security of energy supply, the threat of global climate change and socio-economic goals of the 21st century is a major challenge. Reaching the objective of long term and fruitful development is impossible and incomplete without the combination of technology and policy measures. Nuclear energy is one option amongst many others that has potential of supplying that is secure, carbon-free and competitive, on a large scale.

Nuclear energy is the present and future of our energy needs. With government employing efforts to make the best use of the opportunities proposed by this modern platform of power generation, even the citizens are now joining hands and accepting it more openly. Nuclear energy advantages are not limited to just power generation but extend to powering submarines, aids in treating cancer, boost agricultural productivity and a lot more. Nuclear scientists are positive that many more such advantageous possibilities of nuclear energy will surface.


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