Sunday, October 2, 2011

Conference Attendance Justification

The Data Center World conference is known for its motivational effects, and after spending four days learning from the brightest minds in the industry, you'll return to the office refreshed.

But the Data Center World conference is also overflowing with concrete information that can have a positive effect on your—or your company’s—bottom line. And that’s the kind of information your boss is looking for when he asks “Why should I send you to the Data Center World conference?”

We took all the tangible, bottom-line-boosting benefits of attending the Data Center World conference and collected them in one place. Use them to craft your own email or, better yet, schedule a meeting with your boss to start talking about the Data Center World conference.

You get to develop your own program. Data Center World conference sessions fall into four categories: Management, Facilities/Greening, Roundtables and Case Studies. You can follow one category for all four days, or choose sessions from several categories to get the laser-targeted information you want.

The Data Center World conference is an investment for your company. You’ll learn skills that will have a lasting effect on your work. You’ll pick up plenty of tips and techniques that will provide instant gratification, but you’ll also learn to be a stronger, smarter data center management professional.

Data Center World conference speakers are experts. We hand-pick the best and brightest in their fields to share their expertise with you. You won’t find information this specific, on this many data center topics, anywhere else.

Data Center World covers all the bases. From facilities to business to the latest technology, the Data Center World conference program covers every facet of data center management in one four-day event. You’ll get real-world information and processes you can put into practice as soon you get home, balanced by inspirational work from industry professionals.

Get the best information on the newest technologies. Tech gurus will explore all the bells, whistles and practical features of the newest and best technology out there. They’ll help you make the most of your current tools, too, even if you can’t upgrade to every new version.

You’ll learn how to save your company money. In the expo, you’ll meet new vendors with new solutions (and maybe even better pricing). This is all the information you can put to use when you have to negotiate the purchase of new products or services.

You’ll learn how to make the most of the resources you already have. Whether you want to inspire your co-workers to greater heights of innovation or need to get by on an older version of software, you’ll learn tips for capitalizing on your current resources.

It’s a networking opportunity. Networking may seem like a personal gain, but there are plenty of ways your company can profit from it, too. You’ll find potential collaborators and vendor resources, people to help you overcome hurdles and technology problems, and an active and innovative idea network.

Your tuition is tax deductible. All expenses of continuing education (including registration fees, travel, meals and lodging) taken to maintain and improve professional skills are tax deductible according to U.S. Treasury Regulation 1.162-5 Coughlin vs. Commissioner. 203 F2d 307.

You can share the information with your officemates when you get back. Host an “everything I learned at the Data Center World conference” presentation for your co-workers when you get home. All handouts provided at the conference will be available on a USB—so you’ll have plenty of inspiration and information to share.


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